

Better Living
Better Planet

Positively Sustainable is about merging sustainability with lifestyle. Where you can come to be informed and inspired on eco-friendly products, organic growing and sustainable living.

How Can We Help?

Organic Growing & Eating

There is something very satisfying about caring for plants and having a garden. Discover organic growing methods to avoid harmful chemicals.

Buyer's Guides

Looking for eco-friendly, sustainable products for your home? We can help you determine what is best with our bamboo-focused Buyers Guides. It’s all right here.

Eco-Friendly Living

Whether it be for your health, our kid’s future, or to save the planet, the way we live can be eco-friendly. Jump start your lifestyle with sustainable and planet-friendly habits.

Why Sustainability?

Why should we care about environmental sustainability?

We take a look at how the concept of sustainability can inform and inspire our everyday living so that we can address environmental concerns and work towards a greener, more positive future.

Living Sustainably


Buyer's Guides for an Eco-Friendly Home

We’ll take you through the latest sustainably-produced innovations to transform your home into a safe and toxin-free destination.

Bamboo Bedding Shopping Guides

Eliminate the confusion and compare bamboo bedding products
with these in-depth reviews.

Best Bamboo Sheets - Review

Soft and silky, bamboo sheets can provide a great night rest. We selected the best-of-the best bamboo sheets in this buyer’s guide.

Best Bamboo Pillows - Guide

Find out which bamboo pillow best suits your sleep style, and compare your options.

Best Bamboo Mattress Covers - Review

Mattress pads, toppers and protectors can transform your sleep experience. Check out our analysis of bamboo mattress covers.

Why Choose Bamboo Bedding?

We detail the pros and cons of choosing bamboo linen for your bedding. Take a closer look.


Sustainable Materials

A healthy lifestyle starts with healthy products.
As climate change becomes a priority, alternative and sustainable materials
such as bamboo and hemp are on the rise.

Whether you’re committing to minimizing your exposure to toxins,
prioritizing sustainable choices in your life, or making a difference environmentally,
we’ve got the latest research on sustainable, eco-friendly fibers.

Sustainability Score


How sustainable is the product you want to buy? Here’s our scoring system.

How sustainable is it?

Bamboo Flooring Shopping Guides

Bamboo flooring vs other types of flooring can be confusing.
We break it down for you.

Types of Bamboo Flooring - Guide

Strand woven vs hand-scraped? Floating vs glue? Bamboo flooring types can be confusing. We break it down for you.

Best Bamboo Flooring Review

With many manufacturers of bamboo flooring on the market, we dive in to what your choices are and how they rate.

Why Choose Bamboo Flooring?

We detail the pros and cons of choosing bamboo flooring for your home. Take a closer look.


Eco-Friendly Living

Eco-friendly living isn’t about giving up all the conveniences of life. It’s about making smart choices. Get started with sustainable and planet-friendly habits.


Organic Growing

Do you really want to your kids to play on that lawn that just has been sprayed, or eat food that is covered in pesticides? As research comes out the harms of industrial chemicals, we can take control, by making our home, lawn and garden go organic. From composting, to growing a garden, to selecting heirloom vegetables, we’ve got guides to help you along this path.

How to Start A Compost Pile

How to Start a Compost Pile When you are contemplating how to start a compost pile there are different factors to consider. We’re going to


We’re Positively Sustainable, and we’re on a mission to inform and provide insights into eco-friendly living and the utilization of sustainable materials. 

We are committed to researching and presenting the most useful information in a way that is easy to understand and digest.